New Moon In Leo: Make Room For Growth & Abundance! In Life & Love
Hi Pretty Souls!
I hope this message finds you well.
It's Jude here sharing my first EVER New Moon Message on the blog!
So I looove talking but I know you guys may not have a lot of time so I'm going to dive right into this message.
I asked spirit first, what energies are heavily surrounding this New Moon and three cards came out of the Barbieri Zodiac Oracle Deck...first, Pluto (22=4), Uranus (20=2) and finally Jupiter (18=9) also the bottom of the deck card is Mercury (15=6). For quick homework if you're not already familiar with numerology please look up what each number in parenthesis means after the "=" sign means.
The messages that came to me in regards to the Mercury card is that there will be and may already be heavy communication energies around this new moon, master communicators may be activated authors, speakers, writers, and etc. Also technological matters could be effected there maybe new advances that are recognized on radio, t.v., and film. I also feel that in regards to conversation the topic of discussions may be reciprocity, love and forgiveness. The element or quality of air is also signified here to me as well so thinking, analyzing, receiving downloads all of that may happen now going into tomorrow and the three days following.
The planet or energy of Pluto effects our sexual urges and activities, it can deal with deep rooted emotional issues, grudge holding, research into spiritual matters, also death and rebirth otherwise known as transformation, power & control to name a few. Uranus deals with the energies of individuality, personal freedoms, and change on a global scale, energies that are humanitarian in nature; about the bigger picture as well as world changes.
I believe these changes are also in regards to unions and partnerships particularly. I sense a surge in the 144,000 unions coming on and along with this transformation in the individuals in these unions the planet of Jupiter will bring with it expansion of spiritual knowledge, understanding and abundance!
I also see another bottom of deck card from the Moonology Oracle Deck here that states "A win-win outcome is forecast...Full Moon in Libra" this made me giggle inside because I feel this is in regards to the unions and other relationships being repaired, restored, or entered into for the first time!!!! Scales are being balanced, justice is being served in the form of Karma, harmony and peace are around the corner how exciting!
This will be effecting all signs however, I asked spirit which zodiac signs may most be effected by this new moon and guess what?!! The signs came out in pairs of two in this order-
and Leo/Libra.
As I always state these signs can be ANYWHERE in your chart, wherever they are for you and whatever house they're in will determine how you're effected. If you are not familiar with your natal chart placements I can assist you here with either a Full Natal Chart Reading or a Mini Natal Chart Reading .
Whew that was a mouthful! You guys I'm so excited as I write these messages I feel we who are apart of divine unions will have to or may have already experienced a death/transformation. Death of an unhealthy ego and pride and be reborn into an energy of thinking of our partners. In doing this it will lead to restoration and our expansion on a spiritual and material level. This influence of Jupiter will bring ending to stagnation of resources, opportunities, and spiritual darkness and blockages. And it will make way for clear thinking and forward movement.
Be sure you're releasing any past hurts in regards to these connections that have revealed themselves in this reading they can be with friends, family, or committed/romantic partners/married couples. I feel it's time for someone who may have been in their head a great deal over-analyzing a matter whether or not they wanted to give to a certain connection (possibly a virgoan this sign can be anywhere..).
This person could be extremely emotional realizing possible fear based thoughts could have led to their being hurt and hurting another. So if you're the one on the receiving end of this persons analytical energies please cut them some slack they needed time to sort some things out. Plus their mind is already on overload, they need some help unpacking and calming these energies my advice here is to allow love to cover this matter. I sense that there's more to come from this relationship, business partnership or familial situation potential for growth and change are indicated.
There are deep emotional changes that may already or will be occurring this New Moon there maybe a sudden new work opportunity that you're passionate about coming your way, as for matters of the heart there could be sudden communication revealing someone's release of past hurt and their desire to learn from their mistakes and move forward in life and in love either with you or another. Sexual activity maybe used to reconnect with one another in some divine unions. Yaaaaasssss get some sexual healing baby! Someone may also confess that a decision they made in haste could have been out of the perceived necessity for material possessions and their reluctance to provide their own in the manner one or both of you may have desired.
Everyone is being prompted at this time to step into the Leo energy of courage and strength to overcome set backs with forgiveness, love in our hearts and self confidence. For many this is high time you take your power back and shine the way you were meant to honey! No more playing it small.
In romance it maybe time to go ahead and profess your love, make your move with a grand romantic gesture you maybe surprised with the results!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love, Light, & Darkness working in balance and harmony
Jude'/Na'iym Shakam
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